Un-Cage the Wild Passion in You with Sensual Massage by Kikki

Sensual Massage is all about indulging your senses with soft, feather-light touches and other stimulating techniques. It’s designed to relax you to the core, sending you into a state of blissful pleasure and ensuring a night of deep, restorative sleep.

What we offer:

At our establishment, we offer two exquisite types of Sensual Massages: the Nuru Massage and the California Bikini Massage. These treatments seamlessly blend therapeutic bodywork with a touch of sensuality, providing a rejuvenating experience for both body and soul.

Who likes it the most?

Now, let’s talk about our star clientele: Couples. Yes, you heard that right – Couples Massage is all the rage in the mobile hotel massage industry. Couples crave the gentle caress of a Sensual Massage, making it the perfect way to bond with your loved one and indulge in some quality relaxation time together.

Who will be your Therapist?

But who, you may ask, is the master behind the magic of Sensual Massage? Look no further than our very own Kikki. With a heart full of passion and emotion, Kikki is a seasoned expert in the art of Sensual Massage. Years of training in the SPA industry have molded her into a shining star amidst the dazzling lights of Las Vegas, making her the ultimate choice for your massage needs.

Hi, My name is Kikki!

” Welcome to the world of Sensual Massage by Kikki, your go-to destination for ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation! Join me on a journey through the vibrant streets of Las Vegas, where I’ve been a proud member of the LasVegasMassage.com family since day one.

I arrived in Sin City with dreams of dazzling audiences under the bright lights of Circus De Soleil. But when the curtain fell on my stage days, I found a new calling in the world of sensual massage. Why the switch? Well, my friends, in the massage profession, I discovered a canvas where I could truly express myself, much like I did on stage. As a former professional dancer, finding steady income was as elusive as hitting the jackpot – until I found my groove as a masseuse. Drawing from my dance background, I believe in infusing every session with passion and authenticity, letting my hands do the talking.

While I may not be a master of deep tissue treatments, I’ve perfected the art of gentle, relaxing, and sensually stimulating touches. It’s all about channeling the energy of the dance floor into every massage, creating an experience that leaves my clients feeling like they’re floating on cloud nine.”

So, dear readers, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of blissful indulgence, look no further than Sensual Massage by Kikki. Give us a call, ask for yours truly, and prepare to be pampered like never before. Just remember to give us a heads-up a couple of hours in advance – after all, I’ve got to bring the spa to your hotel door!

Call 702 326 3755

Happy ending Massage

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